Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Here I Am

Well, it's only taken me several months to get to this point (do you sense my sarcasm?). I have been meaning to start a blog, but life always seems to get in the way. It's time for some accountability and this happens to be it.

I'm not always good a sharing my heart out loud. I prefer to write it on paper. It seems to come out better that way.  That's why I decided to start writing here. I want to share my thoughts with you about my life as a child of God, a wife, a mom, a friend, and the list goes on. I want to share the insight I gain as I develop my relationships.

You're probably wondering where the name of my blog came from. My good friend, who happens to be a writer, had to help me out here as I was stumped. Only two words came to mind: Transparent and Truth. I want to be transparent in my relationships. No hiding and no secrets. And I want for people to know the Truth about Christ. That's when my friend suggested Transparent Truth...and there you have it!

As I follow the path of transparency, I encourage you to tell me your thoughts. God has shown me so much in my short time here on this earth. I can't imagine how many more things He will reveal as I take the time to sit and listen to Him. I'm excited for the journey!