Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Here I Am

Well, it's only taken me several months to get to this point (do you sense my sarcasm?). I have been meaning to start a blog, but life always seems to get in the way. It's time for some accountability and this happens to be it.

I'm not always good a sharing my heart out loud. I prefer to write it on paper. It seems to come out better that way.  That's why I decided to start writing here. I want to share my thoughts with you about my life as a child of God, a wife, a mom, a friend, and the list goes on. I want to share the insight I gain as I develop my relationships.

You're probably wondering where the name of my blog came from. My good friend, who happens to be a writer, had to help me out here as I was stumped. Only two words came to mind: Transparent and Truth. I want to be transparent in my relationships. No hiding and no secrets. And I want for people to know the Truth about Christ. That's when my friend suggested Transparent Truth...and there you have it!

As I follow the path of transparency, I encourage you to tell me your thoughts. God has shown me so much in my short time here on this earth. I can't imagine how many more things He will reveal as I take the time to sit and listen to Him. I'm excited for the journey!


  1. Hope it is a good adventure for you!

  2. Horray! You're a blogger now! Welcome to the bloggy world!

  3. Welcome to the blogging world! So glad to have something to read from you. And good choice on the blog name. :) Your blog looks great, my only suggestion would be to change the light blue/grey font since it's hard to read against the green - otherwise I love the vintage look!!

  4. Great Erin...I need to get back at it too!!

  5. Ok...so our next CP meeting we will all bring computers so we can FINALLY know what YOU are thinking. You can write it out and send it to us via email and then we will all respond out loud. Good plan? *hugs* Loralie

  6. Thanks all! I really appreciate you reading!

  7. The font colour change looks great, Erin! Looking forward to another post. ;)
